Glad Tidings by Mel

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Commitments for 2015

Commitments for 2015. Commitments for 2015. Today I challenge you to identify and write down your relationship commitments for 2015. In the past few days of The Love Challenge we have focused on building our relationship up. We started with a Mission Statement and then we wrote our goals. Today we identify and write our commitments. A commitment is your pledge, your dedication to something specific within your relationship.

I pray that The Love Challenge has assisted you in loving your loved one better and that is has invited your loved one to love you better.  I pray that The Love Challenge has opened your eyes and your heart to the blind spots in your relationship in a way that drives you to enhance your love. With your new eyes and heart I am challenging you to make new commitments in your relationship. I encourage you to identify any Day Challenges that were difficult for you; that may be a place to start your commitments. Explore any Day Challenges that transformed you and/or your loved one; that may be a good place to start your commitments.  You may also begin your commitments with Day Challenges that made you and/or your loved one feel good, feel loved, feel at peace in your relationship. I challenge you to identify at least four commitments for your relationship for 2015. 

Your mission statement defines what your family is, why it exists, it’s reason for being, and what you value. Your goals are desired results that you envision. Your commitments will be your pledge, your dedication to get you to your goal(s) to fulfill your mission. For example, if your goal is to lose weight, then you must commit to eat healthy, workout, and drink more water.  In this particular Day Challenge I am looking for you to focus more specifically on commitments for your relationship. For example, one of the commitments that my husband and I are going to make is to have more date nights.  We have date nights at home, but we need more date nights outside of the home. As a couple we are committing to have a date night (outside the home) at least one time per month. Personally, I am committing to speaking my husbands love language more fluently. What are you committing to in your relationship?

Once you identify your commitments write them down! Putting your commitments in writing creates a contract between you and yourself.  The same goes for goals. Once your commitments are in writing share them with your loved one. Sharing your commitments with someone else allows the both of you to become accountability partners.  You may start your commitments with.... I commit to....(fill in what you are committing to in your relationship for 2015). Make your commitments fun, make them realistic, and most importantly saturate them in love.