Glad Tidings by Mel

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Sunday Summary

Sunday Summary Congratulations you have made it! Today completes the first week of The Love Challenge. In the first week you have made a commitment to join and complete The Love Challenge, you have spoken words of love, you have committed to have a heart of gratitude, you wrote a love note, you had and/or scheduled a fun time | game night, and you have used I-Statements. It's been a fantastic week!

Today I challenge you to review the first week. I encourage you to take this time to reflect on how the first week has been going for YOU. Are you having fun? Have you felt challenged? If you find yourself struggling with a day challenge, don't give up, just keep practicing. I don't expect you to gain all of this overnight.  However, I do encourage you to press on; to step out of your comfort zone and continue practicing & implementing the daily challenges. In addition, if there's a day challenge that comes natural to you, great. Simply use this time to do more of it!

The last portion of Sunday Summary is a gentle reminder that the focus here is YOU. YOU loving better. YOU doing your part to improve your relationship. It's easy to become discouraged when we are working on ourselves and do not get our desired response from others. Don't be discouraged. Keep loving. Preserve in transforming YOUR heart. And lastly, in completing a challenge go in with an open heart and avoid completing a day challenge just to mark it off the list. If there was a label on the side of the love challenge it would read: Open mind & open heart required!

Thank you all so very much! May your week be off to a great start full of love and bountiful blessings.