Glad Tidings by Mel

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The Power of Touch

The Power of Touch. The Power of Touch.  Today I challenge you to engage in the power of touch with your loved one. It does not have to be sexual. Taking the initiative to reach out and touch your loved one is a great way to communicate love.

Touch is one of our senses that can be used to strengthen our relationship. Turn up the tactile in your life by initiating a hug, a pat on the back, a kiss, a handshake, hold hands while watching a movie, offer a massage, play footsie's, give a back rub, while driving reach over and touch your loved ones arm or leg, rub their head and/or neck, etc . Touch increases bonding with our loved one. Physical contact is precious, especially when we spend so much of our time texting, emailing, and/or in our own little virtual world. 

Studies show that touch can help lower stress, manage pain, and improve the health of your mind and body. When we touch and/or receive touch from our loved ones our bodies release "love hormones." Love hormones are a pertinent piece to bonding with your loved one. Touch is also a form of non-verbal communication. Non-verbal communication is just a important as verbal communication. Non-verbal communication through affectionate touch can express joy, love, gratitude, etc. Friendly affectionate touch can be modified to fit your loved ones comfort. Be sure to add a dosage of touch to your day!


Remember, if you're already doing this with your loved one today is the day you do more of it and/or challenge yourself to do it differently.