Glad Tidings by Mel

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Wonder Women Tech Conference 2017 Takeaways

When I was initially invited to the Wonder Women Tech Conference I was intrigued and excited to be in the presence of other like-minded women. However, as the conference date grew closer I began to feel a little anxious about attending since my business isn't directly in the field, but I wasn't going to let a little anxiety keep me from an event supporting amazing women! 

As a psychotherapist, as a writer, as a blogger, I do use technology in my field every single day! My husband is a Mobile App Designer so he's more entrenched in the technology field than I am. He is also designing an app for me that will be related to my work in the mental health field. With all of those things in mind I knew I would gain invaluable information at the Wonder Women Tech Conference no matter what my anxiety was saying. 

The Wonder Women Tech Conference was awesome! I've always known that women are amazing, however this conference displayed women on a whole new level of AMAZING!!! I left this conference with my cup filled with inspiration, motivation, new ideas of innovation and most of all genuine, authentic connections with other like-minded women. 

As I begin to re-enter my field on a full-time basis and re-brand my private practice the timing of this conference was impeccable. I gained so much knowledge from the conference. In addition to being reminded of how amazing women are; here are my main takeaways from The Wonder Women Conference 2017:

*Safia Ali, Director of Product Design at StubHub, reminded me to Build A Diverse Brand. I was encouraged to focus on more than just diversity within my colleagues, but in my audience and clients as well. A big question to ask in this process is, Does my content and my services appeal to a global audience? And lastly, remember to partner locally and hire locally. 

*The Buzzfeed Panel reminded me to Make Dope Shit! Think impact (how does the services I provide impact the community.) I was challenged to make shareable content not just viral media for my community to learn and grow from. And lastly, to continue to Be Genuine, to Be Authentic in the things I do share with my community. 

*The Black, Bold, and In Charge Panel, a panel of Black women in business in the tech field, was extremely relatable for me. This panel encouraged authenticity in this field, even when you don't feel like you fit in. I was reminded to take all the lessons I learned from being a stay home mom into the office with me as I re-open my Private Practice full-time. Ms. KL Moore encouraged me with her words that although I stepped away from my career to raise my family full-time that now as I return I am coming back better, bigger, and bolder!!! 

*The owner of Paige & Paxton Ms. Rachel Williams, inspired me with her words about making science and math fun. Technology is our future! Technology is here to stay. I now realize that everything in my field and in my business is directly and/or indirectly connected and influenced by technology. 

*The owner, of The A. Allen Group, Anthoni Allen, was seriously one of the biggest highlights of the last day of the conference. She motivated me with her words: Ignite yourself, give yourself a cup of "hustle juice" everyday, feed yourself motivation, drink your "hustle juice" every morning! The ingredients of my "hustle juice" may change as my process changes and as I grow, but nonetheless I will be drinking my "hustle juice" everyday! 

I have wrapped up these golden nuggets along with the other things I learned and the people I connected with at the conference and have saved them on my mental hard drive. My take on technology in my field and how I use it is forever changed thanks to the Wonder Women Tech Conference. Thank you Lisa Mae