Glad Tidings by Mel

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Delete Your Records


Delete Your Records. Delete Your Records. Today I challenge you to delete your records of your loved one's wrong-doings and stop score keeping. In a relationship we have the tendency to calculate who has done what and when and what has not been done. We often complain about what our significant other is lacking and tend to overlook what we are lacking.  When you start having a conversation about all the things your loved one is not STOP yourself and change your focus.

It is easy to tally up all the things we are doing in our relationship and we forget about all the things our loved one is doing as well. A score-keeper says and/or thinks things such as "I went to the store, so you have to clean up the kitchen." A score keeper complains about the amount of time they spend cleaning the house but overlooks the amount of time their loved one spends managing the families finances.  Score-keepers may say things such as "Why do I always have to be the one to......?  Or "I'm the only one around here who bothers to....."


All of us make mistakes. We do not always do the right thing. May all of us be reminded that..... Love does not keep score.  Love does not harbor bitterness.  Love does not seek revenge.  As my pastor, Donald Bell, Sr. said, "Love math requires you to give more than you receive." Today let go of your scorecard and understand that your love math is not going to be a perfectly packaged with even numbers. Yesterday we were challenged to give. Today your are challenged to delete your records, throw away your score card and give give give. When we are focused on giving to our loved one there is no time to see deficiency; there is no time to keep tally.